Hiram College
Hiram GREENS Fund
The Hiram College GREENS (Generating Resources to Educate, Engage, and Nurture Sustainability) Fund was established to support and sustain Hiram’s goals of reducing their ecological and climate footprint, investing in alternative energy, and modeling sustainability for the Hiram community. Hiram’s Climate Sustainability Council is charged with oversight of this revolving fund designed to finance projects that enhance the College environment, increase efficiency of operations, and allow for reinvestment in future sustainability projects.
Hiram College seeks to create a campus culture that connects “going green” with the ideal of living well and living responsibly. Hiram deliberately uses its sustainability initiatives to foster student engagement and research, establish educational programs and training opportunities that allow students to partner with the College in goal setting, implementation and impact analysis. Hiram recognizes that a small campus in Northeast Ohio must be connected to the global community through learning and action. The GREENS Fund demonstrates Hiram’s commitment to campus and global sustainability while highlighting a tradition of fostering intellectual excellence and social responsibility.
View their webpage for more information about their fund.
The higher education participants in The Challenge are managed by Second Nature. To learn more about how Second Nature plans to expand use of GRFs in higher education, visit their page!