Blog Archives


Lane Community College Energy Carryover Fund

August 27, 2014

Author: Emily Flynn and Jaime Silverstein Published: August 2014 The Energy Carryover Fund, Lane Community College’s green revolving fund (GRF), was created in 2006 with an allocation of $165,585 from surplus funds in the college’s utilities budget. The fund has helped Lane meet their sustainability goals and formalize a process to identify energy efficiency projects. Since its creation, the Energy Carryover Fund has gone […]

Denison University: Green Hill Fund

April 17, 2014

Author: Shoshana Blank Published: April 2014 Denison University’s Green Hill Fund began in 2011 and was the product of collaboration among sustainability, facilities, and finance staff. The Fund has leveraged both Denison’s commitment to reduce energy use, and the number of opportunities for efficiency projects on campus, to become a key driver for capital improvement and achieving carbon neutrality by 2030. The Fund has […]

University of Colorado at Boulder: Energy and Climate Revolving Fund

January 10, 2012

Author: Rebecca Caine and Nathaniel Herz Published: January 2012 The University of Colorado at Boulder’s student run Environmental Center leads the campus’ sustainability efforts. The Center created the Energy and Climate Revolving Fund (ECRF) in 2007 to finance energy-efficiency upgrades. The ECRF functions as a source of funding for project loans and provides a method […]

Western Michigan University: Quasi-Revolving Fund

October 24, 2011


Weber State University

October 10, 2011

Author: Christina Billingsley Published: September 2011 Description: Weber State University (WSU) began its $9 million revolving fund in 2010 after securing seed money through a loan from the institution’s endowment and other capital sources. To allow the fund to expand beyond its original size, 25 percent of cost savings from efficiency projects accrue to the […]

Stanford University: The Building Energy Retrofit Programs

October 10, 2011

Author: Emily Flynn Published: August 2011 Description: Stanford University’s Energy Retrofit Program was created in 1993 to target resource reduction and conservation focused projects on campus. Fahmida Ahmed, Associate Director of the Department of Sustainability and Energy Management, says that Stanford has been investing in sustainability and energy-efficiency since the late 1970s, longer than many […]

Iowa State University: Live Green Revolving Loan Fund

October 10, 2011

Author: Christina Billingsley Published: October 2011 Description: The $3 million Live Green Revolving Loan Fund (LGRLF) at Iowa State University (ISU) was launched in 2008. The LGRLF is unique in its decentralized implementation structure, which allows each department and building to reap the benefits of their own efficiency measures and gives individual departments the incentive […]

California Institute of Technology: Caltech Energy Conservation Investment Program

October 10, 2011

Author: Rebecca Caine Published: July 2011 Description: The Caltech Energy Conservation Investment Program (CECIP) was initiated in 2009. It manages $8 million within an existing fund in the school’s endowment, which had been created to finance capital projects. Any member of the Caltech community may submit a project proposal, and projects are considered for approval […]

Boston University: Sustainability Revolving Loan Fund

October 10, 2011

Author: Emily Flynn Published: September 2011 Description: Boston University’s (BU) Sustainability Revolving Loan Fund was created in 2008 through an allocation of $1 million from the university’s administrative budget. The fund is administered by the Vice President of Operations. Potential projects are identified by the university’s Director of Energy Administration and Operations along with the […]

Harvard University: Green Loan Fund

October 9, 2011

Author: Robert Foley Published: September 2011 Description: The Green Loan Fund at Harvard University has been an active source of capital for energy efficiency and waste reduction projects for almost a decade. This case study examines the revolving fund’s history from its inception as a pilot project in the 1990s to its regeneration in the […]