
Nine Rules for a Successful Green Revolving Fund

July 11, 2012

Joe Indvik, co-founder of Dartmouth College’s Green Revolving Fund and consultant with ICF International, outlines the nine rules that student leaders must follow as they launch their own GRF. Read about his experience at Dartmouth and his recommendations here.

Financing the Future of Energy Efficiency Summit

May 29, 2012

Mitchell Thomashow, Director of the Second Nature Presidential Fellows Program, reflects on the “extraordinary gathering of participants” at the recent Financing the Future of Energy Efficiency Summit, held on the Harvard Campus this past May. Read his full post and his thoughts on the significance of the green revolving fund model here.

To Revolve or Not to Revolve?

January 30, 2012

In “To Revolve or Not to Revolve?” Joe Indvik, former consultant of Dartmouth College’s Green Revolving Fund, explores the reasons why a growing number of institutions are seeking the green revolving fund model to fund cleantech investments on their campus. Indvik cites the motivating factors of GRFs’ dynamic ROIs, the opportunity for infinite scalability of achievable projects, and something that he calls the “sizzle” factor. Read more.

Webinar on GRF Accounting/Financing

January 19, 2012

On Friday, January 27 from 2:30-3:30pm SEI, in partnership with the VEIC, will be hosting a webinar on GRF Accounting/Financing. Attendees will hear from accounting and finance representatives from the green revolving funds at Caltech, UNH, and Harvard.

$1 Billion Green Challenge Launches

October 11, 2011

The Billion Dollar Green Challenge was launched today at the AASHE 2011 conference. The Challenge invites colleges to invest a total of one billion dollars in self-managed green revolving funds that finance energy efficiency upgrades.

Webinar on Green Revolving Funds

October 10, 2011

Earlier in 2011, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hosted a webinar on Greening the Bottom Line: How Campus Green Revolving Funds Are Saving Energy and Money. Learn more.